AWest Purple Pride Chairs

Purple Pride Spirit Wear 

Next Sale Dates TBD

Thank you for your support!

Purchase below accessory items
year round at Member Hub

Large Decals $5

2 Styles, 4x6

Lanyard $5

Backpack $12

Grey Plush Blanket 


Stickers $1

2 Styles, 4 Colors

Pom Pom Beanie $10

Infinity Scarf $16

Rally Scarf $10


The AWest PTSA Purple Pride Chairs coordinate the major fundraising avenue of AWest PTSA. Selecting exciting styles, designs, and items to sell and ordering and marketing round out the responsibilities of this exciting position.

A student who dreams of working for a non-profit or for a cause can volunteer with the Purple Pride committee to gain experience that will open doors in the future.